Berrysmith imports ex UCD 1965, UCD export card file, incl. Gewurztraminer

The U.C.D. export card file which shows Frank Berrysmith’s 1965 (inter alia) Gewurztraminer import from what was in fact the new Hopkins Foundation Vineyard at U.C.D., these having been planted there in 1961. The source material for location C3 v5-6 in the Hopkins Foundation Vineyard was the old Armstrong Vineyard at what the U.C.D. records show was ‘O.F. [i.e., Ols Armstrong Foundation Vineyard] R9v15 (Alsace)’. This means the Berrysmith 1965 Gewurztraminer import almost certainly derived directly from the same material, but replanted into in a later Foundation Vineyard, as Alistair McKissock’s 1963 import.